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Land Surveying
Professional land surveying services for homeowners, businesses, and public agencies

Brelje & Race's team of registered professional land surveyors, survey technicians, field crews, and AutoCAD professionals work together seamlessly to provide the following:

  • Topographic Mapping
  • Boundary Surveys and Analysis
  • Records of Survey and Corner Records
  • Aerial Mapping
  • Control Surveys
  • Hydrographic Surveys
  • Site Planning Surveys
  • Subdivision Mapping (Final Maps and Parcel Maps)
  • ALTA Land Title Survey Maps
  • Easement and Right-of-Way Analysis and Document Preparation
  • Legal Descriptions
  • Court Exhibits
  • New Monuments and Reestablishment of Obliterated Monuments
  • Construction Surveys and Staking

We utilize the latest technologies such as robotic total stations, GPS, digital levels, aerial surveys, computer-aided-drafting, and surface modeling. Our land surveying services are commonly a component of engineering design projects led by Brelje & Race's team of professional civil engineers. This means our team is experienced in producing comprehensive surveys that meet the needs of various disciplines, including attorneys, engineers, architects, planners, and government agencies. Our clients count on us to provide the professional care and expertise that only fully licensed civil engineers and land surveyors can provide.

Since our founding in Santa Rosa in 1954, we have provided land surveying for thousands of projects throughout the North Coast. Our areas of service include Sonoma, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, and Marin Counties.

Contact us to learn more and begin your survey project today!

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